Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pi day and other stories.

Did you know today is pi day? As in pi equals approximately 3.14 and today is 3-14. Don't worry, I'm not a total dork- I'm just a math teacher.

We used to do a whole day of activities around pi day at my school. Last year on pi day, one of my former students died of the flu complicated with MRSA. He was a brilliant pianist and mathematician, even at 15 years old. He was literally the type of person who would have grown up to do something amazing. And he was a wonderful, kind, loving person. Such a loss. I can't believe it's been a year.

Today, I took my first dose of Bravelle. I was so nervous that I would mix it wrong. I had my laptop next to me on the kitchen counter, watching the instructional video while I did it. The shot hurt more than my Ova.dril shots have in the past.

And I would kill for a glass of wine. This is the first month I've completely given it up. I figured it's time to try it all. I'm not gonna lie, though. If you were sitting next to me drinking a glass, I might french kiss you to get a taste...

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Happy pi day! I would kill for a glass of good red wine right now. I haven't had anything since January. It does get easier though.