I'm in awe of people who write novels. (Actually, I'm in awe of people who write novels well.)
I have a serious addiction to books. (Although, owning a DVR has put a real dent in my reading... There's just not enough time in the day!!!) I keep buying bigger bookshelves because I run out of room to house my collection. I've been like that since I was a kid. My mom couldn't punish me by sending me to my room because I was plenty happy to just sit and read.
When I read a good book that has a great plotline, I'm always amazed at how it comes together. I recognize that there are many edits that go into a novel, and it's not a linear process, but I still think it's such a talent to be able to do that.
I read the Twilight series this year. Even though it's technically a young adult series, the story is so intricate. ***(If you haven't read all four books in the series and are planning to, there is a spoiler ahead. Highlight the big blank spot to read...)*** For example, I wonder if Stephenie Meyer knew when she wrote the first book and Bella's mind was the only one Edward couldn't read that Bella would have a "shield power" when she became a vampire. What kind of forethought must that take!? And what kind of organization? Do you keep a journal where you jot down ideas or reminders? Do you map the whole series out beforehand, and if so, how do you deal with new ideas that come up while you're writing?
I used to read just about anything. Now I've become much more ADD in my reading and sometimes can't get through a book and quit. I'm always on the lookout for books to *love*. My all time favorite is The Time Traveler's Wife. Another really intricate plot- did Audrey Niffenegger write that book linearly by page, or linearly by time, or something else?
I also loved Bel Canto by Ann Patchett as well as the Magician's Assistant. But her other books I didn't like as much, although they were readable. I loved Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, but Riding Lessons didn't have the same impact on me.
I have a stack of books at home waiting to be read (some I bought and some I rented from Bookswim). Hopefully, a favorite will be among them.
Do genes matter?
7 years ago
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