Monday, April 4, 2011

18 weeks

I've been meaning to post- I have a lot going through my head. But clearly I haven't done it...

So I'm 18w1d today. So far everything has been going well. (knock on wood... which is part of my issue! I'm nervous to say "everything has been going well....)

I have a little more energy. I have to pee all of the time. When I eat, I get full easily but then am hungry again soon.

Other than that, I haven't had a lot of symptoms. I'm starting to have some hip pain, especially on days when I work and am standing all day.

Yesterday, a friend stopped by the store and told me I'm starting to show. :) I am definitely bigger, but I don't know if I look pregnant yet. Maybe just tubby. ;)

I haven't felt any movement yet either. I am anxiously waiting for it to happen!!! I keep hoping that will help ease my anxiety. It has been better- between the increase in my meds, acupuncture and therapy I don't have that constant buzz of worry. I'm still worried... but it's not quite as intense.

Tomorrow I am meeting with my principal about next year. I'm not totally sure what I'm going to say... I haven't really made a decision about what to do about next year. So my plan is to discuss with him taking the first half of the year off (Sept-the end of Jan) and then coming back for the second half. I'm not sure if that's what is going to happen... but I still feel like it's too soon for me to comfortably decide. Unfortunately, the way a school year works, We're well into the time where my district wants me to decide. I just feel like I want to make the best decision for me without screwing my district over. (ie: ending up making a last minute decision to stay home and leaving them in the lurch.)

I've talked to several parent friends (KB, Sra...) who have made different decisions... and it helps in some ways but not in others. Sra told me "You will never have total clarity on your decision. There isn't going to be a 100% 'right' decision."

I feel like I am leaning in one direction more than another... but as I said, I'm just not ready to make a final decision. To be totally honest, I still worry about what would happen if I lose the pregnancy... and while maybe I 'shouldn't' make that part of my decision, I just can't discount it.

So... that's where things stand. Sort of a surface overview, anyway. My anatomy scan is two weeks from today. I'll definitely try to post before then, but will guarantee an update after we get the results. :)


Kakunaa said...

Congrats on 18 weeks! Almost at the halfway mark! It sounds like you are starting to feel more comfortable about it all which is fantastic...I am glad. And I know that the anatomy scan will give you more peace of mind, too!

Jamie said...

Good luck with your meeting! I hope the next few weeks pass quickly and uneventfully (in the good way)!

SLES75 said...

happy 18w hon! You're almost half way there!!! Hope you get to feel movement soon...

I'm so glad the acupuncture/therapy/meds are helping with the stress. I plan to continue acupuncture as long as possible. It has helped me so much throughout this process....I hope it continues to do so....

best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Yay for 18 weeks!! Take care...