Monday, April 20, 2009

Still whining...

Thanks for the comments on the last post. I don't like to be a whiner, but I'm feeling whiny.

2nd IUI for this cycle today. Numbers weren't great either day. Oh well. Poor III. He sent me a text this morning after the drop off. "I don't think I gave good spooj today. It was a rough go this am." LOL. He's so eloquent. When I got there they told me it wasn't the best ever, but not the worst we've had. About 4 million total motile.

Anyway. On top of that I'm having some nether-regions issues. Some pain and discomfort. I don't know if it's related to the IUI or not. More likely, it's from one of two completely ttc-unrelated things. It could be from the hsv. I haven't had an outbreak in a very long time (I'm on suppressive meds for it). But I tend to get some nerve pains when I am getting one/have one/just got over one. Annoying. More likely, it's hemorrhoid related. Yeah, fun stuff... I've never been pregnant, but I still get the joy of hemorrhoids. Woo hoo! Even better, they tend to be internal. And joined by "fissures". So the result is nerve-like pains through my whole downstairs region.

So today I'm extra crabby. I am, however, on vacation for a week. So I can hang around and mope... I do have to make sure to do the dishes, so when III comes home he doesn't look at the sink and think "What did she do with her whole day?" At least then it looks like I did something...


Anonymous said...


Caroline said...

Hey sweetie,

I hope that you are feeling a bit better? IF is a horrible journey. Spoil yourself and remember that we are here for you. Hugs to you. Caroline xx