Friday, March 8, 2013

Oh, hi.

Don't know if anyone out there will read these, as I've not updated in so long that I didn't even know how to use the "new" blogger... lol. But we've started a new cycle, and I've found myself coming back to my blog to check info from my previous cycles. So I'm going to do some blogging about this cycle, mostly to help me keep track of what's going on.

BUT in case there is anyone still out there...

  • we're still in our new city, and bought a house this past summer. I don't like it here and feel like I may never settle in. III doesn't really like his job, so that doesn't help. We do have a lovely house, though, with a huge yard for the dogs and G-man
  • G-man is... amazing. Almost 19 months and a sweet, busy, funny, smart little man. As much as I want another baby, if for whatever reason it doesn't happen, we got EXTRA lucky with the one we've got
  • I've been teaching part time and I don't like my school. It's not a good fit for me. I'm counting the days (98) until the summer arrives and I can be done.

So that's it in a nutshell... :)


Anonymous said...

Funny thing, I was just here a few days ago, while cleaning out my bloglist, and despite your silence, you somehow managed to stay on the list!

Good luck with your new cycle.

c by the sea said...

hi. glad you are back. good luck with all the new stuff going on